LOWER SCARPE (closed between Fort de Scarpe and Warlaing)


LOWER SCARPE (closed between Fort de Scarpe and Warlaing)
See on fluviacap

Distance in km : 36 km

Number of locks : 6

Dimensions (L x W) : 38,80 m x 5,20 m

Draught : 1,40 m

Clearance : 3 m

From Douai to Mortagne-du-Nord

Over 8 km, its course has been replaced by the Broad Section link. Once Douai has been passed, the river avoids the most industrialised centres and returns to a pleasantly rural character. It rejoins the Escaut at the Belgian border, but navigation is currently prohibited between PK 30 and 50 because the Lallaing drawbridge is dangerous.


pk: 28 - Douai
pk: 42 - Vred
pk: 58.5 - Saint-Amand-les-Eaux
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