
Distance in km : 213 km

Number of locks : 5

Dimensions (L x W) : 187 m x 12 m

Draught : 3,50 m

Clearance : 4,80 m

From Saint-Symphorien to Lyon

What is known as the "Saône" or the "Grande Saône" is the broad-section part of the Saône between Saint-Symphorien, at its junction with the Rhône to the Rhine canal, and Lyon, where it rejoins the Rhône. It is a river that is so broad and calm that it is bewitching, but it is nevertheless subject to strong flooding. (Note: the distance marking of the Saône follows the river and does not take into account the detours that shortcut most of the meanders. Thus, between Saint-Jean-de-Losne and Lyon, the Saône travels 215 km, while the navigator will only cover 202 km).


pk: 1.5 - Lyon
pk: 19 - Albigny sur Saône
pk: 21 - Neuville-sur-Saône
pk: 22 - Saint-Germain-au-Mont d'Or
pk: 24 - Genay
pk: 26 - Parcieux
pk: 31 - Trévoux
pk: 40 - Jassans-Riottier
pk: 43 - Fareins
pk: 52 - Montmerle-sur-Saône
pk: 55 - Belleville-sur-Saône
pk: 63.2 - Thoissey
pk: 72.7 - Crêches-sur-Saône
pk: 83 - Mâcon
pk: 87 - Vésines
pk: 90 - Asnières-sur-Saône
pk: 97 - Pont-de-Vaux (à 3,7 km)
pk: 106 - La Truchère (jonction)
pk: 111.675 - Tournus Chardonnay
pk: 123 - Gigny-sur-Saône
pk: 142 - Chalon-sur-Saône
pk: 144.5 - Chalon-sur-Saône (jonction)
pk: 159 - Gergy
pk: 167 - Verdun-sur-le-Doubs
pk: 186.5 - Seurre (PK188-Saône)
pk: 198.5 - Port Lechâtelet
pk: 201.5 - Saint-Jean-de-Losne
pk: 202.5 - Saint-Jean-de-Losne (halte quai national)
pk: 206 - Saint-Symphorien (jonction-PK219-Saône)
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